Privacy Policy

DragonRuby LLP is committed to respecting your privacy and the data you provide us. Your data will not be sold to third parties and we attempt to limit distributing your data to third parties where feasible.

Data Collected

We store all data needed for the service to function.


Cookies are used for sessions when a user logs into the service.


Logs are collected when you visit the site. The logs are transmitted to Logentries where they are retained for 7 days. These logs include some limited personal information such as an IP address.


The checkout process and payments are handled through Paddle. We forward them your email address to accelerate the checkout process. All data entered during the checkout process is retained in Paddle.

Law Enforcement

We will not provide your data to law enforcement unless a court order says that we have to. Any request by a law enforcement agency will be rejected unless they provide the necessary court orders. We will inform you if a request is made for your data unless we are legally restricted from doing so.

Account Cancellation and Deletion

Cancelling the service will immediately delete your team, all users that are only associated with your team, and all information needed to run the service such as resource names. Individual team members can remove their account at any time so long as they are not the only account associated with the team. If they are the only account associated, they can get someone else to log in and then delete, or they can remove the entire team. This is done so there is alway a contact for the account. All billing history is retained within our payment service.

Policy Updates

We may update this privacy policy on rare occasions. If the update contains significant changes, we will notify all users via email.

If you have any questions you can reach out to us through our contact page.